Felicia Sanford
Felicia Sanford
Felicia Sanford, PsyD, LCP
If you desire to begin your journey toward wellness and growth, I am here to walk with you through it. I specialize in anxiety, depression, behavioral disorders, childhood trauma, issues pertaining to marginalized groups, and women’s issues. I have experience with a wide range of issues that face children, adolescents, adults, and families. I am passionate about helping people to see the bigger picture of their life path, identifying where they want to go and how to get there.
As a PsyPact-certified provider, I can connect with patients through teletherapy in any of the 42 participating states, offering accessible care no matter where you are.
My approach to psychotherapy blends motivational interviewing with cognitive-behavioral therapy. I take a pragmatic approach, utilizing various therapeutic modalities to tailor the therapy experience to meet client’s needs. I help clients uncover their personal areas of challenge and empower them to develop more adaptive perspectives that can enable them to flourish on their personal life path.
- Licensed Clinical Psychologist (LCP) for over 18 years
- Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.) degree from the Illinois School of Professional Psychology
- Masters degree from Roosevelt University
- Bachelors degree from Loyola University of Chicago
- Authority to Practice Interjurisdictional Telepsychology (APIT®) from the PSYPACT Commission